Need Help Picking NEW skis. Bdogs, Mangos or 1000 ski

by tomsends
Feb 14th 2025 - 7 comments

Need help picking new skis, just snapped my JSkis Allplay and want something new. I'm looking for a park ski with good flex but also can handle on all-mountain. (I ski at Killington mainly)

My top three right now are Armada Bdogs, ON3P Mango 100, and 1000 park ski.

LMK what you guys think I should go with and if there's any Pro/Cons with the skis I listed. Thanks!

Free-Skiing, Zero Zone Becomes Bozeman's First Permanant City Hike Park

by Young_patty
Jul 22nd 2024 - 23 comments

After a successful trial season with the city, Bozeman now has a new permanent hike park. By collaborating with the Bridger Ski Foundation, and the city parks and trails division, we were able to finally able to turn our DIY hike park into a city sanctioned place where skiers and snowboarders can meet new friends, and learn new tricks. The park is fully run and operated by local skiers and snowboarders, from snowmaking to park shaping.
Read the article to learn what we've been up to since receiving the NS stimulus fund, and how we got to where we're at today.

Henrik Harlaut Interview - Bucked Up #307

by InspiredMedia
Sep 25th 2023 - 5 comments

⁠Episode #307 features the GOAT of freestyle skiing @HenrikHarlautOfficial!!! Other than being the most awarded @XGames athlete of all time & being an Olympic Gold medalist he is a @GriseldaRecords super fan just like me! Recorded on his birthday in Buffalo, NY @StruggleMike (of @blacksopranofamily6374)’s studio, this was a one of a kind episode!