Latest Videos by elinde

Cork 1, 1980, Triple on tramp.

by elinde
Jul 2014 - 7.2K views

And some more stuff. These are my tramp shots from COC, and some of them come from my COC edit but I felt they didn't really belong there and put them in their own little video.

Top Rated Videos by elinde

Cork 1, 1980, Triple on tramp.

by elinde
Jul 2014 - 7.2K views

And some more stuff. These are my tramp shots from COC, and some of them come from my COC edit but I felt they didn't really belong there and put them in their own little video.

I Love COC!!!: Week in Whistler

by elinde
Jul 2014 - 2K views

A week at Coc having some fun. I apologize about the surplus of backflips; they are great fun. For maximal pleasure, watch with decent speakers/headphones and 1080p. Special appearances from Abe Kislevitz, Chris Farro, and Caleb Farro.