
Cork 3 On Tramp

by elinde
Feb 2013 - 475 views

been trying these for a while, and they're finally looking a bit more like I want them. It's funny, they look so easy but they are much harder to learn than most dubs, at least for me. some cork 1 attempts too haha

Virgin Islands Cliff Jumping Spring Break

by elinde
Apr 2013 - 1.3K views

some shots from our vacation to st. thomas for spring break. we planned on hitting much better cliffs but the two days we had a boat every spot was too rough to climb out. we even tried on one spot and one kid almost died getting trapped under some coral from the waves, so that was a no go. so not too much hate, i just put this up because we had a shitload of fun down there

Cliff Jumping in the North East

by elinde
Sep 2013 - 621 views

Some of the final jumps of the summer as the cold, harsh cold months come and the south steals warm comfort of the sun. MAKE SURE TO WATCH IN 1080p. For some reason the quality is shitty as fuck without it.

Fall Tramp and Other Fun Stuff

by elinde
Feb 2014 - 838 views

The reason I waited so long after the fall to make this is because we got about half the trampoline shots I wanted and was hoping for another day of filming. Well, that never happened so I filled it instead with various random shots from the fall.

I Love COC!!!: Week in Whistler

by elinde
Jul 2014 - 2K views

A week at Coc having some fun. I apologize about the surplus of backflips; they are great fun. For maximal pleasure, watch with decent speakers/headphones and 1080p. Special appearances from Abe Kislevitz, Chris Farro, and Caleb Farro.

Cork 1, 1980, Triple on tramp.

by elinde
Jul 2014 - 7.2K views

And some more stuff. These are my tramp shots from COC, and some of them come from my COC edit but I felt they didn't really belong there and put them in their own little video.