Latest Videos by LarsTynes

MINIMUM - Lars Tynes

by LarsTynes
Jun 2015 - 26.4K views

"I was unfortunate to injure myself early this season, so I didn't get much filming going. Luckily I got a few days on the B-Cam before and after it happened."
Filmed by: Scott Kvitberg, Vebjørn Skaseth Ørpen, Martin Stuve Strøm
Saga Outerwear, Salomon, PimpHands, Edoggo, Char, Tall T

Top Rated Videos by LarsTynes

Lars Tynes - "PhD in Stomponomics"

by LarsTynes
Apr 2013 - 23.2K views

SKINANIGANS! presents Lars Tynes - "PhD in stomponomics". "I've been fortunate to start SKINANIGANS with Anders Nummedal and Fredrik Bergan this season, and I've been spending my fair share of time behind the lens and the editing software, but I've gotten a few shots of my own throughout the season. We started Skinanigans to being able to deliver a good season recap rather than waiting untill late summer before actually getting our hands on the footage from the long-therm projects. - So this is my season recap with SKINANIGANS! Oh, and take the title with a grain of salt, hah! "

SKINANIGANS! EP.5 "Local Empire"

by LarsTynes
Apr 2013 - 8.3K views

The fifth istallation in our webseries! Note that headphones are recommended, but not mandatory due to the nature of the song. Last official day of our season back home in Varingskollen, Norway