

by LarsTynes
Jan 2013 - 7.8K views

First installment of the "SKINANIGANS!"! Riders in order of apearence: Lars Tynes, Martin Solhaugen, Anders Nummedal SKINANIGANS! is a sideproject that we started while hanging out together. We're all a part of a larger crew, Wordup Media, but when our schedual is free we tend to bring our cameras to the slope, who knows what might come of it? - Sometimes the result is a decent edit! Thanks to our sponsors: Saga Outerwear, Rossignol and PimpHands (Lars), Dynastar/Look (Martin), Nordica, Scott and Varingskollen (Anders) Stay tuned throughout the season for more! Clack!

SKINANIGANS! Ep.2 "Playfield"

by LarsTynes
Feb 2013 - 8.6K views

SKINANIGANS! is a short-edit project started by Lars Tynes and Anders Nummedal. "Playfield" is our second installment who introduces Christian Nummedal. Thanks to our sponsors Saga Outerwear, Rossignol and Pimphands (Lars), Nordica and Scott (Anders), Nordica, Scott and Salomon (Christian)

SKINANIGANS! Megapark 2013

by LarsTynes
Apr 2013 - 3.4K views

Take a look at our submission for the Megapark film contest. - This is a film-contest submission, so this is a little more artistic and appealing rather than our other edits, but we hope you'll enjoy it despite the intro they make us put on these edits and the bombing Prime Minister candidate! - Enjoy!

SKINANIGANS! EP.5 "Local Empire"

by LarsTynes
Apr 2013 - 8.3K views

The fifth istallation in our webseries! Note that headphones are recommended, but not mandatory due to the nature of the song. Last official day of our season back home in Varingskollen, Norway

Lars Tynes - "PhD in Stomponomics"

by LarsTynes
Apr 2013 - 23.3K views

SKINANIGANS! presents Lars Tynes - "PhD in stomponomics". "I've been fortunate to start SKINANIGANS with Anders Nummedal and Fredrik Bergan this season, and I've been spending my fair share of time behind the lens and the editing software, but I've gotten a few shots of my own throughout the season. We started Skinanigans to being able to deliver a good season recap rather than waiting untill late summer before actually getting our hands on the footage from the long-therm projects. - So this is my season recap with SKINANIGANS! Oh, and take the title with a grain of salt, hah! "

SKINANIGANS! - Fredrik Bergan 12/13

by LarsTynes
May 2013 - 5.1K views

SKINANIGANS! presents Fredrik Bergan - "2012/2013". "This is the best and funniest season I've ever had, so far! I've been able to travel to cool places with my friends and do what I love the most. This year I teamed up with the SKINANIGANS boys Lars Tynes and Anders Nummedal. I am very greatful and proud to be a part of this project. I would also like to thank Vebjørn Skaseth Ørpen for his camera and help this year, without him and the SKINANIGANS boys I would never been able to present my season recap! THANK YOU GUYS!" And of course a huge thanks to: Best Sport, Orage, Amplid Skis, Uvex and Pimp Hands.

MINIMUM - Lars Tynes

by LarsTynes
Jun 2015 - 26.4K views

"I was unfortunate to injure myself early this season, so I didn't get much filming going. Luckily I got a few days on the B-Cam before and after it happened."
Filmed by: Scott Kvitberg, Vebjørn Skaseth Ørpen, Martin Stuve Strøm
Saga Outerwear, Salomon, PimpHands, Edoggo, Char, Tall T