farmtown night laps remastered

published Apr 2017 - 166 views

re-uploaded special edition featuring increased brightness and an extra 30 frames per second ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Filmed a couple nights at the local hill Titcomb. 95% volunteer run. Come and ski the park we built.
Riders in order of appearance:
Rowan Stamp
Quinn Fogarty
Isaac Wright (isaacwrong)
Ben Amburgey (a_burger)
Casey Taylor (quesadilla)
Special thanks to Ski The East for supporting the U. Maine Farmington Outing Club

Credit: shot: Ben, Isaac, Rowan

Location: Titcomb Mountain, Farmington Maine

Playtime: 00:02:30

Artist: Aphex Twin

Jumps Rails Art Edits Park North America East Coast Sunset


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