
@ll @ MiND G@mE

by TMC
Sep 2016 - 2.4K views

Season enders take a tole on you physically, but mostly mentally.
As the season crests the horizon in a couple months, I look forward to seeing how my comeback season unfolds. See you homies out on the hill.


by Dissidents
Sep 2016 - 841 views

Spent 90% of my season on a tube, whoops.


Thanks to all the PHAAAT homies for helping me have the most fun season of my life.

Big shoutout to @Eazymacofficial for being a local rapper that is about to blow up.

1: Music for the visually impaired - Eazy Mac
2: Gold House - Reese


by John_Brown
Sep 2016 - 1.5K views

here is a re-edit from 2014/2015 that was never released. with John Brown (@jbfreeski) Tim Ryan (@artsytim) and Tyler Mega (@tyler_mega)

A Young Lad Outa Ohio

by G=unnar
Sep 2016 - 2.4K views

Super great season and even got to do some urban! Huge lack of snow though but we made it work :)! Enjoy and shout out to the Big Face Boys!
skiing: Gunnar Gronowski

For What it's Worth

by 802masif
Sep 2016 - 2.7K views

The first two weekends back in burlington. Two days of filming and trying to spend as much time in the water before the cold sets in and the snow starts to fly.


by Kenyon
Sep 2016 - 6.5K views

Getting hyped to shred so I threw this together from last winter. Shouts out to anyone I ever skied with. @blackstrap_inc

Summer Setup 2016

by north_coast
Sep 2016 - 487 views

me and isaac doing some summer skiing. s/o to kevin salonius for hosting the summer ski contest (this video won second) and inspiring us to actually do some skiing when we weren't busy with work

Philippe Boily-Doucet 2016

by RedskyFilms
Sep 2016 - 16.4K views

Phil worked very hard along the year, trying to master his skiing. It's the second year that he teams up with me to create his season edit. I enjoy pushing him on some new tricks that I think he's able to do. The kid has plenty of potential and talent.


by E__
Sep 2016 - 9.9K views

Couldn't find housing in Whistler so I bought a trailer and Zac and I lived out of it for 6 months. We filmed some of the fun. Dedicated to Pili for always being there.


by Snowballin
Sep 2016 - 3.2K views

Available for free on Vimeo October 2016.

Featuring: Frederic Ferland, Dominique Petit, Vincent Lessard, Antoine Mongeon, Nicolas Veillet-Magny, Philippe Racicot, Tristan Sicard, Alexandre Gauthier, William Biddle-Bocan & more.

STRANGERS - trailer 2016

by M3TRO
Sep 2016 - 811 views

Dropping Halloween
theA6ENCY presents a short ski film in standard def
Run and gun style filming across Canada linking up with some staple names from Ontario.