
Shredding Alta

by TurnYonder
Feb 2016 - 3.5K views

The first half of the season has been some of the best days of my life. Thank you snow gods for bringing the white stuff. Thank you all who helped in the making of this video. You all rock

Bluebird Pow Days at Alta

by TurnYonder
Jan 2017 - 2.6K views

Here's a little edit of how awesome the skiing was at Alta Ski Resort the day after christmas. It was all filmed in one day with a crew of awesome shredders. Thanks Charlie Baetjer for making such a awesome edit. Hope everyone enjoys.

Sending it with Davey. Blame it on the Altatude

by TurnYonder
Feb 2017 - 2.2K views

Had a awesome time ripping around Alta Ski resort during the month of January. Storm after storm the snow never stopped falling so it was only necessary that we had to send it. Thank you mom and dad for teaching me how to ski. Also a big thanks to all the ski bums out there who are keeping the stoke alive.

Davey's World ( A Altaholics Production)

by TurnYonder
Mar 2017 - 3.5K views

Although February started off a bit slower then we were anticipating, storms began brewing here in the Wasatch for the last half of the month. Alta ski resort report 55 inches in four days and boy was it awesome. Everyone in the Wasatch was getting there send on.

Davey's World II. Two day's in Grizzly Gulch.

by TurnYonder
Mar 2017 - 3.2K views

Suns out guns out. High Pressure at Alta has called for some B&B action ( Building Booters) in the back country. Powders nice but sunny days have gave us some great opportunity to get real sendy. Sunday March 13th while skiing down grizzly I saw a dude building a jump alone so I decided to see if he needed help. We Built we sent We Conquered. Stomped my first ever double back flip and it felt so damn good.

Davey's World: Aril Shred Sauce/ Pyramid gap sendoff

by TurnYonder
Apr 2017 - 3.6K views

Winters not over yet. I'm Super excited with how the month of April turned out. April 9th and 10th, Alta received over a foot of fluff pow pow,making for some of the best skiing of the year. With only a few weeks left here at Alta, I didn't want to waste an opportunities. Lets keep the stoke alive. Thank you Alta and the Alta Community for making this winter the best one yet. Theres something about this place that keeps me coming back for more. Keep the stoke alive and the shred going.

David Berthiaume 2016/2017 Season Edit

by TurnYonder
Oct 2017 - 2.6K views

Big thanks to Alta Ski Area, The SNOW GODS, and all the homies for making this season one i'll never forget. Cheers to landing my first double backy, stomping Pyramid Gap, and all the memories made on the hill. Keep the stoke alive.