
Are we there yet (2023) - Ailo Riponiemi

by Ailo
Nov 2023 - 4.4K views

Are we there yet is a solo project and brainchild of Finnish freeskier Ailo. Film takes place in streets of Finland and portrays skiing trought Ailo’s mind. This zero budget urban skiing film was made possible by various friends sacrificing their time and work to make Ailos vision happen.

Follow Ailo on socials at @aiolimate

Film was supported by black crows skis.

Dude, Where´s my Harley | Movie

by Ailo
Nov 2021 - 1.2K views

”Dude, where’s my Harley”
movie by Ailo filmed mostly during season 20/21

i want to thank every single person who helped me during this project by filming, building spots making music for me(calle hasselblatt) or lending gear!

Filming another project this upcoming winter and for updates you can follow me at @aiolimate on instagram :)