
Runnin' Down a Dream

by JoeyaistAK
Jun 2015 - 3.4K views

This is my 2014-2015 season edit. This year was light on snowfall (although, Alyeska was still highest with total snowfall of 490".) Thanks to my friends for an awesome season - first time I hiked the Headwall and skied Glacier Bowl. We still got quite a bit acoomplished. Special thanks to Dash Robertson, Hunter, Mason, and Simon Keffalos. Enjoy.

The Alyeska Rutine

by JoeyaistAK
Jan 2016 - 1.5K views

Here's a small piece of my early season at Alyeska Resort! I've had a great season so far training with the Alyeska Freeride Team preping for the competitions later this season. Huge thanks to my Coaches, homies, and Strafe Outerwear for the awesome start to the season.

Home Runs

by JoeyaistAK
Apr 2017 - 801 views

My submission to the Alyeska and Oakley Alaska Point N' Chute competition. Only footage of me skiing around my home mountain of Alyeska, hope you enjoy. Thank you to Strafe Outerwear, Nordica Skis, Powderhound Ski Shop, and Corvus Threadworks for your support.

Warm Ups

by JoeyaistAK
Nov 2015 - 622 views

This is Episode One, "Warm Ups", of the Sixty-One North Productions Series. The snow fell, and the crew was called up for our now annual preseason ski jump. We also scored a few backcountry expeditions. All focus on getting stoked, shlarping around and warming up for the season unfolding ahead of us. Stoke is in the air, and I hope you enjoy our first edit.

Filmed By: Mason Keffalos and Joey Aist
Additional Footage: The Crew
Directed and Edited By: Joey Aist
Skiers: Joey Aist, Hunter Keffalos, Simon Keffalos, Will Balco, Dash Robertson, Soren

Joey Aist 2017-2018

by JoeyaistAK
May 2018 - 579 views

Did some stuff this winter, had a pretty good time. Here is my season edit of me doing some of those things. Thanks to Nordica Skis, Strafe Outerwear, and Powder Hound Ski Shop. I hope you enjoy.

Get Off of my Cloud - Rolling Stones


by JoeyaistAK
Jan 2017 - 225 views

Just a little edit from the last month of 2016 stoked for the rest of the season. Big thanks to my sponsors: Nordica Skis, Strafe Outerwear, Powder Hound Ski Shop, and Corvus Threadworks. Also big ups to the Alyeska Freeride team the our coaches.