road to 360
damn I sucked so bad! my first ever "edit". It was the preseason and me and my friend made a nice kicker and shreded it. It was awesome.
damn I sucked so bad! my first ever "edit". It was the preseason and me and my friend made a nice kicker and shreded it. It was awesome.
Looking back at it now I realise how much it sucks! Anyway it's the first in a series of 8 episodes that shows my progress and fails.
second episode of noob to pro. done my first rail ever, super stoked.
third episode of noob to pro, had lots of nice clips so I just made this one as soon as I came home from voss. First ever sketsy 360.
fifth episode, so far I have managed to rail, do 180's, switch 180's, 360's and warious grabs. I hope that I will get better, much better
had a blast skiing in the weekend. Unfortunatly it was realy snowy so... I got snow on my lense. that made some of the scenes blury
this will be the last episode of noob to pro this seasone. it has been fucking fun and painfull, hopefully if you have seen the other seven episodes you see that I have become better and I'm proud of that.
I tried to take a backflip. Well I fucked up and got a minor concution.
Did a lot of 360's! some of my friends think that this is my best edit