

by SubZeroEvents
May 2013 - 11 views

Sub Zero Events presents LONDON'S BIGGEST END OF SEASON SKI PARTY! Just finished a season? Looking forward to the next ski trip? Generally obsessed with snowsports? Come check out our bands and DJs flown in all the way from the Alps and party apres style like you're still in the mountains! Highlights include: Live bands and DJs flown in all the way from the French Alps, Breakdancing, Beat-boxing Hype crew to get the party started, Matchstick productions ski movie room, Charity beer pong tournament, Snowboard simulator, Food stalls, Mountain style drinks, Raffle, Stalls & over 1,500 fellow ski and boarders! Where? The Coronet, London, 2 mins walk from Elephant and Castle tube station. When? 6pm ? 3am Friday 10th May. TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW FOR £12 FROM http://WWW.SUBZEROEVENTS.COM


by SubZeroEvents
Aug 2013 - 523 views

Sub Zero Events, in association with Sherpas Cinema presents INTO THE MIND Wed 2nd October at The Clapham Grand, London Be the first to catch the film on the big screen, check out the sponsors, play some beer pong, do some shot skis and even get snowed on! Tickets available from 28th August from Ticket includes access to the onsite apres ski party! *Over 18s event INTO THE MIND - MOVIE INFO From the creators of the award winning film ?All.I.Can?, Sherpas Cinema is proud to present their newest feature film, Into The Mind. With stunning cinematography and groundbreaking storytell- ing techniques, the Sherpas blur the lines between dream state and reality, and immerse you into the mind of a common skier as he attempts to climb and ski the ultimate mountain. Innovative athlete segments are actually a glimpse into his dreamscape, each one harboring messages that help inform our hero?s current, real-life choices. As you experience the majesty of Alaska, Bolivia, the Himalaya and beyond, Into the Mind paints a philosophical portrait of human kind. How do we balance risk versus reward? Why are we inspired to rise to the challenges in our lives and what do we learn on this journey to attain them? ATHLETES Callum Pettit, Kye Petersen, JP Auclair, Tom Wallisch, Rory Bushfield, Eric Hjorleifson, Austin Ross, Kris Erickson, Johnny Collinson, Xavier de le Rue, Benji Farrow, Ingrid Backstrom, Izzy Lynch, Angel Collinson, DCP, Jimmy Chin, Renan Öztürk, Matty Richard , Ian Mcintosh, Mark Abma, Conrad Ank- er, Samuel Anthamatten, Karma Tsering, Chris Rubens, Julian Carr, Stan Rey, Tatum Monod, James McSkimming, Joel Loverin LOCATIONS Whistler, Revelstoke, Nelson, and Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada Denali National Park, Alaska, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaZermatt, Switzerland, Bolivia, Nepal, Costa Rica


by SubZeroEvents
Aug 2013 - 654 views

Sub Zero Events, in association with Sherpas Cinema presents INTO THE MIND Mon 14th October at The Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh Be the first to catch the film on the big screen, check out the sponsors, play some beer pong, do some shot skis and even get snowed on! Tickets available from 9th Sept from Ticket includes access to the onsite apres ski party! *Over 18s event INTO THE MIND - MOVIE INFO From the creators of the award winning film ?All.I.Can?, Sherpas Cinema is proud to present their newest feature film, Into The Mind. With stunning cinematography and groundbreaking storytell- ing techniques, the Sherpas blur the lines between dream state and reality, and immerse you into the mind of a common skier as he attempts to climb and ski the ultimate mountain. Innovative athlete segments are actually a glimpse into his dreamscape, each one harboring messages that help inform our hero?s current, real-life choices. As you experience the majesty of Alaska, Bolivia, the Himalaya and beyond, Into the Mind paints a philosophical portrait of human kind. How do we balance risk versus reward? Why are we inspired to rise to the challenges in our lives and what do we learn on this journey to attain them? ATHLETES Callum Pettit, Kye Petersen, JP Auclair, Tom Wallisch, Rory Bushfield, Eric Hjorleifson, Austin Ross, Kris Erickson, Johnny Collinson, Xavier de le Rue, Benji Farrow, Ingrid Backstrom, Izzy Lynch, Angel Collinson, DCP, Jimmy Chin, Renan Öztürk, Matty Richard , Ian Mcintosh, Mark Abma, Conrad Ank- er, Samuel Anthamatten, Karma Tsering, Chris Rubens, Julian Carr, Stan Rey, Tatum Monod, James McSkimming, Joel Loverin LOCATIONS Whistler, Revelstoke, Nelson, and Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada Denali National Park, Alaska, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaZermatt, Switzerland, Bolivia, Nepal, Costa Rica


by SubZeroEvents
Aug 2013 - 619 views

Sub Zero Events, in association with Teton Gravity Research presents... WAY OF LIFE! THURSDAY NOV 7th THE CLAPHAM GRAND Be the first to catch the film on the big screen, check out the sponsors, play some beer pong, do some shot skis and even get snowed on! Ticket includes access to the onsite apres ski party! *Over 18s event More info and tickets: For some, embracing the mountains is not just part of life?it?s a way of life. The search for snow shapes not only how they approach these peaks, but also how they approach the world. And whether athletes spend their days dropping first descents in Alaska, lapping the local mountain, or training for the Olympics, they?re part of a community built around a shared passion. The bonds that form from this community transcend continents and cultures, transforming strangers into friends. After all, a smile on a powder day needs no translation. Shot on location in 2013, Teton Gravity Research?s Way of Life takes you on a journey to the mountains and inside the minds of today?s top athletes. With stunning imagery created with GSS, Red Cinema, and the Sony Action Cam, this film explores the origins of skiing in Austria, the search for original lines in Alaska, and the U.S. Freeskiing Team?s quest for Olympic gold. The adventure also leads athletes to the rugged terrain of Jackson Hole and the Tetons, as well as the backcountry of British Columbia. Regardless of the terrain they ride, the athletes featured in Way of Life push the boundaries of what?s possible. This journey takes them across the globe as they form a brotherhood that needs no language. STARRING Sage Cattabriga-AlosaDylan HoodIan McIntoshSammy CarlsonDana FlahrDash LongeTodd LigareJohn SpriggsGriffin PostAngel CollinsonTim DurtschiMax HammerWillie BormColter HinchliffeDaniel TisiSam WinshipUS Freeskiing Team LOCATIONS Jackson Hole, WyomingNeacola Range, AlaskaFieberbrunn, AustriaSt. Anton, AustriaRed Mountain, British ColumbiaStellar Heli, British ColumbiaSelkirk Wilderness, British ColumbiaKootaney Rockies, British ColumbiaCooke City, MontanaMammoth Mountain, California


by SubZeroEvents
Aug 2013 - 962 views

On Friday 10th May, Sub Zero Events took over the Coronet London for the UKs Biggest end of season apres ski party. A Huge thank you to our staff, sponsors and all you awesome people for coming down! Sponsored by; Buckwild, Drift, ESDS, Gloucester ski centre, Hard Nutz, Hero Energy, Jacks Bar Meribel, Katies Ski Tracks, The Loop bar, MPORA, Matchstick Productions, NUCO, OTP, OWE, Rouge Elements, Rubix Kangaroo, Ski Bartlett, Ski Club of Great Britain, Skiplex, Ski & Board Show, Snow Camp, Snow voles, Taking the Piste, TUI & Wastelandski.

Sub Zero 2014 Apres Party

by SubZeroEvents
Feb 2014 - 664 views

Sub Zero Events presents LONDON'S BIGGEST END OF SEASON SKI PARTY! Just finished a season? Looking forward to the next ski trip? Generally obsessed with snowsports? Come check out our bands and DJs flown in all the way from the Alps and party apres style like you're still in the mountains! Highlights include: Live bands and DJs flown in all the way from the French Alps, Beer pong tournament, Games & inflatables, Snowboard simulator, Food stalls, Mountain style drinks, Raffle, Stalls & over 1,000 fellow ski and boarders! Where? The Coronet, London, 2 mins walk from Elephant and Castle tube station. When? 8pm ? 3am Friday 9th May. TICKETS AVAILABLE SOON - http://WWW.SUBZEROEVENTS.COM

iF3 London

by SubZeroEvents
Sep 2015 - 136 views

iF3 London 2015, The International Freeski Film Festival.

Thursday 15th October 2015 at the Clapham Grand.

Be the first to see the movies on the big screen, meet the athletes, check out our sponsors stalls, win prizes in the raffle & even get snowed on!

Missing apres ski?
Tickets include access to our onsite after party hosted by Snowboxx festival with a host of alpine drinks, hot dogs, apres ski DJs, live sax player, shot skis & beer pong

Legs of Steel "Passenger" (introduced on stage by LOS athletes & producers)
Perspective Studios "Misconceptions"
Line Travelling Circus "Fried Ice" (introduced on stage by Will Wesson & Andy Parry)
Inspired Media Concepts ft Kye Petersen "In Search"
More info coming soon...

Tickets from £12 available now from

Crystal Ski l Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports l Telegraph Ski and Snowboard l Fatmap l Les 3 Vallees l Mojo Clothing l Snowboxx l Hyera Adventure l Snowhoes l Shapeshifters l Poleplant l Newschoolers

iF3 London 2015

by SubZeroEvents
Oct 2015 - 60 views

Thanks to everyone who came down to iF3 London 2015, the event was a huge success and we can't wait for next year!

Legs of Steel "Passenger" (introduced on stage by LOS athletes & producers; Tobi Reindl, Paddy Graham, Sven Kueenle, Bene Mayr, Fabian Lentsch, Raphael Webhofer, Sebi Geiger, Lukas Joas, Andre Nutini & David Peacock)
Perspective Studios "Misconceptions" (introduced on stage by Callum Welch & Mike Rowlands)
Line Travelling Circus "Fried Ice" (introduced on stage by Will Wesson, Sami Ortielb & Andy Parry)
Inspired Media Concepts ft Kye Petersen "In Search"
Next Generation Media "Ticking Bomb" (introduced on stage by NGM athletes & producers; Ola Sollie, Jens Stokke, Emil Larsen & Kristian Vereide)
Salk Street Productions "Red Run" Introduced by Ed Birch.

Huge thank you to our lovely sponsors
Crystal Ski l Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports l Telegraph Ski and Snowboard l Fatmap l Les 3 Vallees l Mojo Clothing l Snowboxx l Hyera Adventure l Snowhoes l The Mute Collective l Poleplant l Newschoolers

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Song 'Our Place' by Godwolf discovered by