

by cstromberg
Jan 2013 - 675 views

Spending doomsday at Ruka Take it seriously. Camera: Canon 60D Lens: Samyang 8mm fisheye Canon kit lense 18-55mm Party shit inspired by 4bi9's house episode Song: Nirvana - Girls (Dj Dima House & Samsonoff Remix)

Christian Strömberg - 12|13

by cstromberg
Apr 2013 - 926 views

2012/2013 Pretty good season for me I guess, dubs and new tricks on rails and shit! Thanks to everyone who helped me with all the rides and filming!! Peace!


by cstromberg
Jan 2015 - 692 views

Five days at Levi, only lost one gopro, smashed a face, dislocated shoulder, beer was poured, pizza was eaten and it was -30celcius.


by cstromberg
May 2015 - 4.5K views

I think my season was good! Thanks to the Serena Park Crew for keeping the park in shape!
Instagram: christianstromberg

Summer sliding

by cstromberg
Oct 2015 - 1.3K views

This is pretty much what I've been doing this summer to keep my skiing at a decent level
Filmed in few days so not that much of a serious one, hope you like this chill piece.

Thanks to:
Kevin and Anton for holding the camera!
Amplid and Ehoto for supporting me