Really fun edit with some good friends and people i am always looking to learn from. Film was shot along side an All Mountain Academy summer camp, Joe Harkess, Luke Rogers, Sam and JT entertaining as always
This might be on here somewhere already but i thought it was worth another look. I spent the season learning as much as i could from Sam and whilst i watched on in awe, Jack captured the shots and this edit was one of the winners of Britains Got Skiers
Probs not the right place for this video but i still find it interesting. One of the guys i have the great pleasure to ride with regularly (Sam Brennan) is up to this when he is not skiing. and it is beautiful
Im not in this one but i was at a lot of the skiing shoots for it. Amazing times with great people. A lot of Jack's time, blood, sweat, tears and heart when into this one and i think it is stunning!
Had just started trying freestyle before we made this video, awsome to see JT's development over time, this was pretty good, but these days hes filming in america with nokia at the us open
The skiing the kingdom project comprises a group of skiers from the UK who wanted to show what it takes to be a dedicated skier in the UK. No snow but loads of passion and i love riding and shooting with these guys!!