
GMS 14/15

by GMS
May 2015 - 2.2K views

Even though I had to learn nearly all the time for school finals, I managed to stack some shots with my buds.
However I am really happy with my season and I want to thank all the people who helped me out!
Huge Thank You to:
my sponsor: (thanks Marco Seidl & Blacksheep Sports Team!)
Thanks to all the filmers & friends: Corsin Näff, Joni Näff, Francisco Couto, Fabiana Schmied, Armando Guetg, Marco Joerger & many many more friends, you're awesome!!!
See ya next year, peace out!

Season Cut 15/16

by GMS
Apr 2016 - 848 views

I didn't ski more than two and a half week (counting the days) this winter season and therefore I haven't got many shots. Still I scraped together every single shot on my computer and made this little season cut. Sorry for bad quality, but who cares! ;)
BIIIG THANKS to all the ?new? friends who helped me out and made the season a lot better than it actually was! And thanks to & which supported me with some skis!