
Jordan Lytle's Lost Edit

by BeefiestExpert
Sep 2015 - 12.7K views

Once again its been another really hot year on hood. Seemed to have gotten lost in the heat and don't know how to get back. I'm still out on the glacier trying to find my way back but at this point just assume I have become apart of the Lost Girls tribe now.

Preseason Surfin At Timberline

by BeefiestExpert
Feb 2015 - 2.5K views

Hi guys my names is Josh I found this camera in the woods with all these clips of guys riding down on these weird planks. I have never seen anything like this before but I feel like they should wear straw hats instead of helmets and maybe spice it up with some more flowers. I am planning on using more shots from this camera to keep all you members stoked. Enjoy - The Squid aka Squid King /// Riders; Ford Bennett;"FordoBennett", Willy Monje, DonnyBoy Coleman, Tom Davies;"xRAPHAELx", Paul Conroy, Paul R; "Paul." , Joey Vandermeer, Tucker Fitzsimons and the famous BadLuckBrian.