
Grant Dulude 2012 Spring Break Edit

by dashielld
Apr 2012 - 389 views

Me, my Dad, and Grant drove out to Breckenridge, Colorado to visit my uncle and cousins! Here's a edit to show what Grant did every day! This kid is insane! He's 14 and has NO SPONSORS so check him out! Filmed on my new Canon T3i and my new V-Pod Stabilizer! Hope you like it!

Dashiell Dryden 2012 Self Edit

by dashielld
Oct 2012 - 119 views

Sorry about the Wondershare icon! The video files were infected and i had to fix them with that app and they put that icon on the clips! And sorry for the bad quality! Wasn't my camera! Also so sorry about the bad tricks! I lost all the footage with the good tricks.....:( But i was bored and i wanted to edit so here is my 2012 self edit! Edited by myself Dashiell Dryden! Filmed by Jackson Mort! I am currently unsponsored but this video wont change that! I will have many more edits next season with my new and banger tricks! So be on the lookout for those!

Grant Dulude 12/13

by dashielld
Jul 2013 - 810 views

Here's my edit of Grant Dulude's 2012/2013 season here in Michigan! Sorry for the lack of jump clips! Never really got around to filming some! Made the most of what i had! Grant gained three sponsors this past season! Mad Owl Ski Poles, Epic Happens, And Rocky Mountain Underground Skis. Thanks to all his sponsors for making this season so epic!


by dashielld
Aug 2013 - 912 views

DONT HATE!!! A vid of my season here in northern Michigan! I know there is no good tricks and too many of the same but i was bored! More of a B-Roll edit! DONT HATE!!!

Dashiell Dryden 2014 Spring Break Edit

by dashielld
Sep 2014 - 801 views

Went out to Breck this past spring break with some friends and got some clips! I didn't get all the shots i was looking for but i made use of what i had on the last day of riding! Please don't hate on the bad tricks! Edited by me!


by dashielld
Mar 2015 - 840 views

Had a really fun closing weekend at Mt. Holiday here in Traverse City, Michigan to end the season right! Now to Colorado for spring break! Get hyped!