
VALENTIN AUTREAU 12/13 season edit

by faireplaymedia
Aug 2013 - 1.9K views

When Valentin keeps spreading to rent or waxing skis and he takes his break,you can see him shredding domes terrain park Some shoots of the season filming 100% @ the gopro black edition, and steadicam, a pinch of Twixtor, simmering with adobe cc ... Enjoy your meal!! Riders valentin AUTREAU Shoots : Nicolas ROUBIN Sound: JAY-Z $ 100 Quelque images de sa saison filmer 100 % @ la gopro black edition, et au steadicam, une pincé de twixtor , mijoter avec adobe cc ... bonne ap !! Riders Valentin AUTREAU Images nicolas ROUBIN son: JAY-Z 100$