
Colby Stevenson 2016

by C_Stevenson
Nov 2016 - 31.4K views

Had the wildest season yet! Ended with a bang (not a good one). Thanks to Oakley, K2 Skis, and Monster Energy for making all this possible!
IG: colby_stevenson

Colby - KimboSessions 2017

by C_Stevenson
Jul 2017 - 20.5K views

Best week of park skiing ever! Thanks to Kim Boberg and everyone involved.

Thanks to my sponsors: K2, Oakley, Monster Energy, Davanza's Pizza, Tyrolia, Full Tilt

Music: Out of the Box, DL Incognito Shoutout Sammy Carlson for making this song famous in skiing: Ski Porn (2006)

Sauce Fee

by C_Stevenson
Oct 2019 - 2.6K views

2 weeks in Saas Fee, Switzerland with US Freeskiing. Despite some windy days, we were still able to send some tricks in The Stomping Grounds Park!

My Design

by C_Stevenson
May 2021 - 4.1K views

This trip to Mammoth, California was dedicated to the style of freeskiing. Our sport was developed by a group of unique and rebellious people that took influence from hip hop and punk rock cultures. Watching skiers from that era inspired me, showed that skiing is an art form when paired with music.
Remember that it's not all about doing the biggest spin or learning a new trick. Maybe just add some flavor!

Footage provided by Rich Magnum
Paid for by US Freeski Team

O.C. "Far From Yours"

"Up North" - Colby Stevenson

by C_Stevenson
Jan 2022 - 4.3K views

Scored great weather in Valdez, Alaska during April of 2021. It has always been my dream to ski some big lines up there, and Pulseline Adventure made it possible! Book your trip with them at

Already plotting on the next trip and excited to bring my park background of tricks Up North.

Footage provided by Jeff Cricco
Edit by Austin Scaccianoce
Song: Morroco by Alina Baraz (ft. Troy Boi)

‘PROOF’ a Colby Stevenson Film

by C_Stevenson
Nov 26th - 3.7K views

This is my 5th season filming backcountry, and first solo project. Every year getting more familiar with the mountains, and changing how it’s possible to approach them. From Utah, to Wyoming, to Alaska, I risked it all for this one.

With only six weeks of film time, we gave everything to this project. Conditions lined up and allowed us to maximize productivity. A bad crash on Feb 14th (as seen in the final segment) left me with a sprained neck, but luckily recovered after three weeks.

My childhood friends, Jack Francis and Justin Mayers, put in 110% effort to capture this cinematic experience. The support we received from Monster Energy, Oakley, K2 Skis, Ski-Doo, Freefly Systems, and Alpina Watches brought our production value to new heights, and we are forever grateful.

Producers: Tom Yaps and Colby Stevenson
Directed by: Jack Francis and Justin Mayers
Cinematographers: Justin Mayers and Jack Francis
Edited by: Clayton Vila
Post Production: Frank Post

Additional Cinematographers:
Luke Bredar
Dustin Lindgren
Malachi Artice
Jack Price
Jeff Cricco
Tyler Staples
Austin Scaccianoce
Matt Baker
Bo Wagner

Cover Photo by Rocko Menzyk