This is our teaser for the first skimovie from rookski.
Rookski is a brand new skiteam from a city without snow( stavanger, norway) who only have been skiing this winter. we love to ski and desided to make a movie =D
dont have to big exeptions ;D
Some shots from crappy parks at western norway
Freeskiing, or Newschool skiing is a specific type of skiing. It is a subset of Freestyle skiing, although many participants view it as a separate sport and do not refer to it as freestyle. The sport does not require participants to compete, but there are competitive events available at every level of the sport.
The gang shred the streets and skis pow T-Hall style. Trust the Tuna
The Tuna shows the way to secret urban spots, and some Candide-inspired skiing. Watch out for eagle cameo.
If you get in the way the Southern bluefin tuna will punch you!
The Norwegian Tunas on a legendary springbreak quest to the fireball moutain Hemsedal!
Trapeditor: Henrik jahnsen
The travelling gang of Tunas follows The Gulf Stream on an epic quest to Norways wierdest spring skiing.
@andreydstebo @slettalaen #øssi @torgrimaanestad @henrikwj @erikejsing
Our fishingquota is filled and the bluefin tunas is safe until next season!
Riders: Nick Goepper, Anders Sletten, Torgrim Aanestad, Erik Madsen, André ydstebø, magnus uglum, fillip ferreira
Check out the bluefin´s season!
Thanks to all the rest of the wicked tunas who filmed me xD
The reality television series about commercial Tuna fishermen based in Oslo, Norway is back to present theirs conquer of lucrative Atlantic bluefin tunas.
Sorry for blowing out your favorite song!
Raiders: Erik Madsen Torgrim Aanestad Andre Ydstebo¸ Sindre Cottis
See yah soon!
As the fishing season goes on and in danger of being caught of Captain Paul and his crew, the expensive Bluefin tunas continues to trawl the eastside of Norway for various hideouts.
If you have a request, a new trick etc. for the next episode feel free to express yourself.
Riders: Erik Madsen (Sorry for bringing Snowboard to NS, but he is such a great boy) Torgrim Aanestad, Andre Ydstebo, Henrik Waldemar Jahnsen and some random kids ;-)
Riders: Torgrim Aanestad, Andre Ydstebo, Henrik Jahnsen, Rufus Tangen, Simen Nygaard, Magnus Nygaard, Petter ulsletten, Anders Backe, Erik Madsen
Riders: Torgrim Aanestad, Andre Ydstebo, Henrik Waldemar Jahnsen, Erik Madsen, Helge Henjum, Benjamin Fortun, Simen Gjeldsvik
When a violent storm rolls in during late season, the Gloucester captains face a tough decision at a critical time: Do they K fed or future spin?
Riders: Jon Olsson @andreydstebo @erikejsing @henrukwj @torgrimaanestad @magnusuk93 @magnyg1