video 6 Share Quick Timber-Tube Edit by S-S-K Dec 2012 - 151 views Filmed in about 15 min. Such a fun tube.
video 3 Share Spring Break Ski Edit 2013 by S-S-K Apr 2013 - 152 views My younger bro and I skied a lot this Spring/Easter Break. Here's the shots we got from our backyard and Powder Ridge.
video 2 Share Sub Zero Backyard Sessioning by S-S-K Jan 2014 - 860 views The "polar vortex" shut down most ski hills in MN for a couple of days. In this time the backyard was sessioned to the max.
video 6 Share A-Project 1: November Rust by S-S-K Nov 2014 - 147 views Shaking out the rusty tricks in a November session.