
Charlie Dayton Season Edit 2011/2012

by 84891jnf92048
Jun 2012 - 2.1K views

Threw together what I could of the clips I got this year. Lost a few, but that's just how it has to go sometimes, I guess. Huge thanks to everyone who filmed me this year: Eric Leone, Colin Becker, Skirack guy whose name I forgot and email I lost, Pierce Whalen with Ethan White's iPhone, and most importantly, Liam McKinley. Thanks for watching!


by 84891jnf92048
Jan 2014 - 1.3K views

Some footy that has already been used that I decided to play around with. Liked the outcome so I thought I'd toss it up on the web. Credit to Ian Compton for filming much of this, and thanks to Peter Hoops for the rest.

Day10 Year17

by 84891jnf92048
Jun 2017 - 3.6K views

Some people, places, and things that I love & respect:
Cam Willis
Shane McFalls
Joey Favara
Jeff Kohnstamm
Zach Harrington
Alex Harrington
Johnny Hayes
All of my homies
Sugarbush Parks
Brighton Resort
Young Thug
Cherry Glazerr
Travis Scott
Yoke Collection
Line Skis
Lange Boots
Look Bindings