So if you look close i grab right hand to left tail and my skis are pretty crossed. what grab is this?
I got all 8 yesterday, first time doing a bunch of the unnatural tricks so im pretty stoked, also id like to give a shootout to TSC and SNP
sessioned the down flat PVC rail for an hour or two today and these were a few of the shots i got
Whaleback the other day. just messin around. lots of Blind switchups but whatever
Future Spreads were thrown @loon over the weekend. trips were done by some
So these are my first four or five rodeo attempts. please help me on how to land and not revert once i hit the snow. I bring it around but then I revert and my skis catchand i fall. thanks
Didn't get to film much this year shoutouts to everyone who held the camera for a lap or two here and there.
Spring break this year i was fortunate enough to go to mammoth and aspen, this is what i got
just straight clips from half day at sunapee, half day at SR and a half day of urban
Comment and rate it up. my season and thanks to everyone who filmed
Leave feeedback on what i have so far. It's not finished but what do you like and not like