
Fred Ferland 2016

by fredyferl
Dec 2016 - 5.1K views

A big thank you to my friend Guillaume for being super motivated to shoot urban, and to my girlfriend Isabelle for filming me in the park and helping us out a ton with setting up spots, pulling the bungee and filming second angles. It would have not been possible without you guys!
Also, big thanks to LINE for hooking me up with skis for this upcoming season!

Fred Ferland 2017

by fredyferl
Oct 2017 - 1.1K views

A big thank you to my girlfriend Isabelle for pointing the camera at me! And also to my friend Eric!
Song: Last Rockers - Vice Squad

Out of Ideas - Full Movie

by fredyferl
Nov 2018 - 5.5K views

Last winter we had a bunch of snow, didn't get kicked out of a single spot, and no one got hurt. It was our first time filming together, and it went great. So here is our first project, Out of Ideas, cause we had no idea what to call it.

Bloody Jellies

by fredyferl
Nov 2021 - 1K views

Made an edit with the few park shots I had from last winter
Filmed by: Isabelle Lacour
Song: Bloody Jellies by Rudimentary Peni

My first video part (2016)

by fredyferl
Aug 2022 - 2.7K views

Just posted this on IG, thought I might as well post it here. Back then I had wanted to film a video part for a couple seasons but never really had the opportunity. There's a few tricks that I never landed for this part that were probably just too hard. My friend Guillaume really put it together with the editing/filming and made it feel like a proper part even though there isn't that many tricks in there.

If you wanna watch the full movie:

In the past two winters I've filmed another street video with my girlfriend Isabelle where we'll both have full parts. I'm really stoked on the video that we have, it'll be dropping this fall.

Couples Retreat - Teaser

by fredyferl
Sep 2022 - 2.7K views

Isabelle Lacour and Fred Ferland spent two winters in the streets of Quebec and Ontario to bring you Couples Retreat. Coming out this fall

Premiere at Axis Boutique in St-Sauveur next Saturday October 8th and at IF3 end of october.

Couples Retreat

by fredyferl
Nov 2022 - 4.2K views

Isabelle Lacour and Fred Ferland spent two winters skiing in the streets of Quebec and Ontario to bring you Couples Retreat.

Supported by Newschoolers.