Sep 2016
Did some skiing the year with the boys and put together some of the goods. Hope you like it, but IDGAF.
Did some skiing the year with the boys and put together some of the goods. Hope you like it, but IDGAF.
Thanks Tru T Dan for the NOMiNATiON.
I Nominate Lupe, Skully, Brogan. ZONNGGGZING
Here are the few shots i got before being injured 2 months ago. I got a way to bored of not skiing so i made this. Hope you like it.
Hit the Boulder Creek rail and ended up in the hospital with a collapsed lung, sprained MCL and a busted kidney.
Skied a few days, filmed a few days this lovely preseason in Colorado.
Separated my shoulder 2 days prior and was jonsin' to get back so i yolo'd.
Filmed two runs at Vail today before da GOPROOOOOOOOO ran out of bat. SKIRACING