Shoe 1
Jan 2022
Ben Dunz
Julian Orlando
Iam Johnston
Josiah Irvin
Aiden Lutz
Jared Clemons
( in order of appearance )
Filmed by Lilly Chinn and Julian Orlando
Ben Dunz
Julian Orlando
Iam Johnston
Josiah Irvin
Aiden Lutz
Jared Clemons
( in order of appearance )
Filmed by Lilly Chinn and Julian Orlando
This February up at 4848’
Riders in order:
Ben Dunz, @yoit, Andrew Klein, Bryce Jecklin, Jared Clemons, @switchlip2, Aiden Lutz, Josiah Irvin, Iam Johnston
Film: @switchlip2 and Lilly Chinn
Alex Miller Pat Tolan Ryan Miller
Garrett Marcinak Ryan Voyten
Julian Orlando Cam Moore
Jon Baum Shark Flecker
Film by Julian & Voy10