Mountain wasn't open so we hiked it. First time filming with my new canon 60d. Used the Tamron 17-50
Did a little filming after stratton's memorial day rail jam
Took a few runs with the gopro at stratton off the shooting star lift
Cole Gibson, Christian Franchino, and Jason Hardy join together at Stratton for a couple days of filming
I would appreciate it greatly of you could help me win this contest.
Afternoon of skiing that park on lower middlebrook at Stratton on 1/16
So this is my first "nature edit", looking for some constructive criticism. It was all filmed at my house or right next to it.
Project For class
1st-Ice Cube Melting 2nd- Ice cube melts, then the water evaporates. Played in reverse slow, then forward fast 3rd- Wet paper towel drying 4th- salad dressing separating 5th-9th- Clouds
10th- Rain/Fog/Clouds then some colors from the sunset and the moon in the top right.
Birch Bear Productions trailer for the film "Last Chance" being released in the summer of 2009.
What we do when we aren't racing.
Just messing around in final cut express. thought it would be a cool idea.
We went up to mount snow sunday afternoon and did some filming. i wanted a change from the normal music i use in edits, so yes it is quite different than normal...just wanted it to flow differently
Filming with a canon hv30. i didn't have my tripod so a few shots are a little shaky.
Vimeo link if the quicktime version didn't work for you.
This is a combination of various sessions we had throughout the fall
An edit i put together from shots that i got from several sessions throughout the summer
Just finished building my set up. Filmed for 8 minutes wile I was testing the set-up out and put together the better shots. Not the best skiing because that was the first time I hit any rail in like four months. As you can see in the video I have a bigger ramp and two 10 foot rails that I will be using later. Sorry if it takes a bit to load **** QUICK LOAD TIME HERE****
I don't think we are actually going to make a movie out of it because as you can see the skiing isn't the greatest. Just added a few good shots that we had throughout this past season.
Cool time lapse of groomers on stratton. This is six hours worth of video condensed to 30 sec.