
NW Flannel Cup | Winner's Circle Edit

by artrud
Apr 2014 - 1.1K views

We teamed up with some the 2013 NW Flannel Cup winners to make a quick park edit at Stevens Pass! Enjoy and don't miss the 2014 NW Flannel Cup at Stevens Pass on Saturday, March 29th!! Big cash prizes for Pro Class and tons of swag for all the other classes!

NW Flannel Cup 2014 | Event Recap

by artrud
Apr 2014 - 1K views

On Saturday, March 29th, we hosted the 2014 NW Flannel Cup at Stevens Pass powered by Carter Subaru to showcase the PNW's premier freestyle skiers and snowboarders on a custom slopestyle course down Showcase into the base area! Cash purses were awarded to the pro's and ladies, with tons of swag for the am's! Thanks everyone for coming out and we'll see you next year!

2014 NW Flannel Cup | Teaser

by artrud
Mar 2014 - 32 views

On March 29th we're back for the 2014 NW Flannel Cup and this year we're going bigger than ever! We host a custom, one weekend only, snowboard and ski slopestyle event at Stevens Pass, WA on Showcase! Plenty of prizes for all rider classes, cash prizes for Pro Class, food, party sodas, and tons of fun!