
Lari Extraordinary Love Tour Part 1 - Love at First Sight

by mountaindewgirl
Feb 2021 - 235 views

The Lari Extraordinary Love Tour began as a protest against The Man.

The paranoia of Revelations we’d spent lifetimes coping with was suddenly confirmed, and our societies reacted chaotically.

We all had to ask ourselves difficult questions about politics, money, and war.

Communication was restructured, and we’re all just having to warm back up to each other.

Well I say, we aught to warm up to each other, hearts open and overflowing, with JUBILENT LOVE!

The same SUPER CUTE JUBILANT LOVE we have when we snowskate our fucking titties off!

Lari Extraordinary Love Tour Part 2: Hot Greasy Love

by mountaindewgirl
Mar 2021 - 64 views

At the meeting place of adrenaline and tranquility, there is an extraordinary feeling that allows us to do extraordinary things.

That is LOVE!

Whether holding a loved one or doing a gliding activity, potential energy can transform into love energy through the ions in our minds.

Tilting in certain ways at a certain mass at certain speeds with certain drag...


Can allow us to manipulate our gravity in a way that achieves a purple state, the perfect state of man. A state of LOVE.


@doritos @hovlandsnowskates @rocky_mtn_quam @nathansgoldencitysnowskates @shanelamb26 @zgriff @maggieahmann @aloudsnowskates @snowskater6 @jimbodyed @tmeiron

Event Recap: Boyd Hill Sorta Natural 7 Snowskate Banked Slalom

by mountaindewgirl
Apr 2021 - 310 views

Lari Extraordinary Love Tour Part 3:

Sorta Natural 7 -

The wildest, wackiest, most absurdly out of control event in winter sports.

It's a two day snowskating competition put on by Boyd Hill Snowskates in the Idaho panhandle which consists of Banked Slalom, Chinese Downhill, Hippy Jump, and Park Jam.

Adrian Rassmusen @acidlikereflexs of Squampton Snowskates takes 1st for the Men's, and Lari @larilinesign of Hovland Snowskates takes 1st for the Women's.

New Mexico Ditch Skating

by mountaindewgirl
Apr 2021 - 58 views

Went down to New Mexico for the Balloon Fiesta and took a rip down the arroyos on my Evolve electric mountainboard.
The bindingless eskate on that terrain had a very "summer snowskating" feel.

My friend Ashlie, who filmed it, is a muay thai instructor.
She just ran around getting the cell footie for like 10 miles a day for two days in the beating sun!
Now that's impressive!

Lari Extraordinary Love Tour Part 4: Gear Fetish

by mountaindewgirl
Apr 2021 - 505 views

Love manifests in many ways!

When I embarked on the Love Tour, I was looking to tilt and glide my body in a way that hacked my brain into releasing a cocktail of dopamine, oxytocon, serotonin, endorphins, and adrenaline - mimicking the emotions of romantic love.

In addition to that, I'm feeling the release of self love through the sensation of self purity.

Using speed, angle, and focus to mimick the feeling of disconnection - placing my perception of self from an ocean of life's tragic complexities into a little tide pool of action-packed joy.

It's totally working, dudes!
LOVE, is truly, the athlete's perfect state.

My heart is overflowing to everyone who opens my soul through sick sessions and meaningful conversations about love and the meaning of life.

featuring IG handles:
@abigailharris_13 @lilikoi.lani @oregondead @mrnathanginn @rocky_mtn_quam @snowskater6 @strapinforlife @neeen.bean @tmeiron @maggieahmann @obowmano23 @lokhopkuen @divine.muna @_wrana_ @milleniumdance_xf @teamboydhill @cavemansnowskates @wilsonpenguin @groutchad @stee.baugh47 @arcanist_union @crad4lyfe @corsoarts

LELT 11: Country Roads

by mountaindewgirl
Aug 2021 - 629 views

The steps to the wheat harvest:

1. Cut the wheat with a COMBINE
2. Dump wheat from COMBINE to a GRAIN CART being pulled by a TRACTOR
3. Dump wheat from GRAIN CART into a GRAIN TRUCK
4. Drive to GRAIN TRUCK to the GRAIN ELEVATOR and weigh-in before and after
@carlarupp #wheatharvest #electricmountainboarding #skateeverything #skatekansas #skatecornfields #skatewheatfields #wheatcombine #graincart #graintruck #tractor #skateboardingisfun #wichitaskateboarding #moundridge

Rain Jam at Tepe and Tacos

by mountaindewgirl
Apr 2022 - 773 views

Tepe and Tacos is a downhill longboarding race in the Santa Maria hills which attracts hundreds of skaters from all around world.

We woke up to a rainy day for the Sunday freeride, but that didn't stop the athletes from having an epic slide jam on the course.

Filmed by Lari Rupp, representing The Freeride Flyer Magazine.

Rain Jam at Tepe and Tacos

The mission of The Free Ride Flyer is to celebrate sanctioned gravity fueled events, the individuals who participate in them, and the teams who make it all possible by developing a publication that commemorates these events and becomes a cherished keepsake for those involved.

Colorado River Surfing on July 4th 2022!

by mountaindewgirl
Jul 2022 - 705 views

Colorado River Surfing Association's mission is to champion the building of new river waves, protect existing ones, foster good stewardship for the environment, and safety of the river surfing community.

Recorded July 4, 2022

Saints Go Marching In Remix by @✧*:・゚Baby HoneyLou*:・゚✧

Colorado River Surfing