
A Bit Humerus // Garett Northey's 13/14 Season

by garettnorthey
Oct 2014 - 762 views

The only shots I have from this past season before I broke my Humerus. Literally everything, including the crashes. Essentially unedited, just thrown together. Everything is from the first day at Keystone on the rails, and the jump shots are from a snowmound under a snowblower. Enjoy! Shout out to Rossignol Skis, Planks Clothing and Smith Optics for supporting me.

Fun Laps at C.O.P.

by garettnorthey
Feb 2011 - 2.9K views

Just a couple of runs at Canada Olympic Park in Calgary, Alberta.

Yellow Coat/Grey Pants-Collin Jefferies
Yellow Coat/White Pants-Garett Northey
Blue Coat/Grey Pants-Stephen Jefferies
Black/White-Max Novotny