

by GetPitted
Sep 2006 - 13.6K views

Preseason trap session at brighton on Saturday with a really random cork 7. wish I woulda brought the cam the day before cause like all the snow was gone on saturday, and this was basically the only thing with snow. first vid so be nice. and i just discovered my pants look really weird.

Sam Hurst Promo 08-09

by GetPitted
Jul 2009 - 5.5K views

This winter was one to remember. The time of my life really. Endless fun with friends, playing out in the snow with a few extreme stunts here and there. This video captures my fun from the 08-09 season. Big thanks to Evan Moore, Trevor Jackson, Cody, Prows, Willem Collier, Ryan Rudolph, Kyle Soljaboy, Andy Cowley, Nick Burnett, and Awwi for filming.

Sam Hurst - The Mediocre Edit

by GetPitted
Apr 2010 - 10.7K views

Mediocre skiing. Mediocre filming. Mediocre Editing. No dubs. No hot chicks. Not even an original song. This edit was bound to be a crap shoot from the beginning. I give you, "The Mediocre Edit."

Stepp | Kutcher | Shaheen SK8

by GetPitted
Nov 2013 - 2.4K views

Now that I have your attention watch this latest offering. Amid Junctures. Featuring Steve Stept, John Kutcher, Kelly Shaheen with guest appearances by Dylan Manley and Corey Jackson. Enjoy!