
Saga Outerwear Epic "Wintercourse" Session

by Saga.
Feb 2009 - 6.4K views's tearm riders Collin Collins, Witt Foster and, friend Landis Tanaka partake in a epic "Wintercourse" session in Grizzly Gulch with 4bi9 media on location to digitally document the actions.
(all phrases, sentences and, words contained in quotations are trademarked and property of Saga Outerwear, LLC)


by Saga.
Dec 2009 - 9.3K views

Guest Appearance and some behind the Scenes Poor Boyz Shooting with Nick Martini
-Fun with Oregon Local Mountaineers
-Fun with Saga Friends Jonathan Chandler
-Fun with Kendama Master Turner Thorne
-Travels to Windells and Foam Pit Madness
-Snowmobiling on the Saga Sled to fun backcountry zones

Durtschi Diares 2

by Saga.
Dec 2009 - 9.9K views

The Second Durtschi Diaries will take you:

Snowmobiling in Oregon with Kabee
Park Shredding at Park City with Kyler Cooley and Andy Parry
Kendama at Mt. Bachelor with Turner Thorne and Bandit
Riding park with PBP filmer Jeff Thomas in action!
Skiing at Mt. Baker with Zack Giffin

Watch and enjoy, Durtschi Diaries 3 is in the making!


by Saga.
Dec 2009 - 8.2K views

This Diary will take you:

- Sledding in Whistler with Brandon Kelly
-Rail Jams with Connor Bennett and Jonathon Chandler
-Kendama with Turner and Damian
- Bachelor Park skiing with Friends mike and Sterling

Enjoy and stay tuned for Diary 4!!

Durtschi Diaries 5

by Saga.
Mar 2010 - 5.9K views

Durtschi Diaries goes to Vegas for a break from winter, but we are back to Alta in time for some fresh snow. I meet Gus Hansen, and Cruise the strip with The Saga Boys.


by Saga.
Jul 2010 - 6.7K views

-Footage from my trip to Haines Alaska

-Footage of Pep Fujas and Dane Tudor shredding in AK

-The "Car Wash" testing of the new material for the 2010-2011 line of Saga Anomie Clothing

-Interviews and an Edit from my trip to Alaska for the Alyeska Summer Camp with my cousin Max D.

This will be my last Durtschi Diaries of the 2009-2010 Season. Thanks for all the support, and to all the people who helped me film my escapades this season. Some episodes were lacking skiing, and some were shorter than others, but I hope to the people who stayed tune for the release of each episode (very randomly throughout the season), I hope you got a good feel for how my season went. I wanted to show people what went down while I am not getting those high quality bangers for the PBP Movie, which should release their teaser very SOON! The season is long, and my segment is usually only 3 minutes long, so if your friends watch the PBP movie and want to see what else I did this season, tell them to check out Durtschi Diaries, episodes 1-8, all availible on the Saga Outerwear Youtube Channel


by Saga.
Dec 2010 - 7.7K views

In this volume we start at opening day of Park City Mountain Resort and end with the Saga Fam shredding powder during the heavy November snowfall here in Utah. Can't thank the team enough for putting in all the hard work that has gone into this volume and laying down some of the best early season skiing I have ever personally witnessed. The title, Time to Shine says it all, the team is hungry and we are just there to document it, enjoy.
Collin Collins, Tyler Barnes, Andy Partridge, Nicky Keefer, Angeli VanLaanen, Dylan Natale, Wiley Miller and Tim Durtshi.


by Saga.
Dec 2010 - 4.5K views

Some shots from November and December. This is all filmed with my contour HD, the realtime shots can be seen in The Saga Volume 2 and 3, and the Bachelor Opening Video 2010.

Song: CFCF Snake Charmer (Young Galaxy Remix)


by Saga.
May 2011 - 3.7K views

On this time around we did the Volume a bit differently and divided it into 3 separate parts that will be released 3 days in a row this week. So without further a due here is VOLUME 4.1 featuring the Saga Fam at home in the BC of Utah and California. Can’t thank team enough for all the hard work they put into getting shots for the Volumes, we truly do have the best most close knit group of family in the business.


by Saga.
May 2011 - 2.4K views

Park City Mountain Resort is the other half of the Saga home. On any given day you can find multiple members of the Fam hot lapping the parks. Good times.
Riders: Corbin Clement, Andy Partridge, Nicky Keefer.


by Saga.
May 2011 - 2.8K views

The final edit of the VOLUME 4 series brings you out into the BC of Little Cottonwood Canyon, UT and Mt. Hood, Oregon. Fam included is Wiley Miller, Dylan Natale, Willie Nelson and Tim Durstchi.


by Saga.
Jul 2012 - 1.1K views

One minute of skiing at Mt. Bachelor June camp! Thanks to the filmers and the Park crew Jacket is 2012-13 Saga XXL Anomie Lunar Eclipse Jacket Pants are 2012-13 Saga Khaki XL Anomie

SagaFam CORK 7

by Saga.
Jul 2012 - 733 views

Everyday the SagaFam puts on a free demo. Check here for how a couple of them put down the ever classic cork 7.