A little rail gardens action (with 2 jumps)
Not too much in the way of tricks but it was our first time at the rail gardens. Enjoiy!
Not too much in the way of tricks but it was our first time at the rail gardens. Enjoiy!
Old edit but kinda cool. So I decided to post!
My first edit, mostly rails, and a whole bunch of fun.
Willem Collier his brother Sam and Dima set out to tackle an unknown terrain and came up with this shotty teaser. The footage we got is pretty good and we will have a full Utah/Chamonix/Hood teaser coming in the summer. Enjoy.
That name isnt the REAL legit one. But Ill have a vetter teaser every month. I suck balls at editing too.
Some uber jibtastic jibs from b-right-on I hope you think its sick.
Hurty and Willem slay jibs. Not even half of the footage we got but this is funnnn!
More skating. IM doing 1 of these every single evening for the next 5 days.
Hahaha some legit footage of some tech stuff and some ofthe kids that come over....
I know the transfer isn't that far, but I'd never tried it before so I figure I can work my way up. Ill also work on the sketch factor.
Well this is probably my most best and serious edit ever.
I enjoyed some nice non snow sports but Im over that!
Yes yes I know the quality is bad. I don't know what the hell is going on. ENjoy!
Really swell editing that the internet doesnt do a good job of emphasizing
I dont know if this has been posted sorry if it has, but its siick.
We had a very fun day not ramping but railing haha. We as in tex(evan) and I (willem)
Ignore my little brother in the background and dima.
Took a trip to Portland to visit the On3p factory and some other teammates. Course there is no footage of the factory because it's top secret. But here is everything else.
JEAAA newwwww footttyyyy!!! plus old all around sick edit.