

by pikupfulofsnow
Apr 2011 - 1.4K views

Our park is open for another month! There is no skiing because snowboard websites won't post if there is. Thanks for being cool and enjoying this part of the shred scene.

2 Days With Lucas Wachs

by pikupfulofsnow
Jan 2011 - 3.3K views

Our mountain was empty the last two days. No one. Lucas is a young local ripper. I had to get some groomer shots for Mt. Bachelor, he was down, so we shot this and some other fun natural terrain.

The Sun Is Shining

by pikupfulofsnow
Nov 2010 - 12.6K views

I've met CR just a handful of times. This last time at Skibowl, he had an energy I've never seen before in anyone. There was never a hint of anything but positive, never. I wish I had what CR has. RIP

PBP had a Superpark

by pikupfulofsnow
Nov 2010 - 50.3K views

So instead of a normal Superpark. I thought to change it up and jib the mountain facilities, build pow jumps, and still have all the "regular" Superpark features (jumps, rails, wall rides, etc.) Enjoy.

El Nino Is Rad

by pikupfulofsnow
Feb 2010 - 2.1K views

El Nino has delivered small, but consistent snowfall and then nice sunny skies follow. This has been the pattern for the majority of our season and I'm stoked.