
PBP had a Superpark

by pikupfulofsnow
Nov 2010 - 50.3K views

So instead of a normal Superpark. I thought to change it up and jib the mountain facilities, build pow jumps, and still have all the "regular" Superpark features (jumps, rails, wall rides, etc.) Enjoy.

The Sun Is Shining

by pikupfulofsnow
Nov 2010 - 12.6K views

I've met CR just a handful of times. This last time at Skibowl, he had an energy I've never seen before in anyone. There was never a hint of anything but positive, never. I wish I had what CR has. RIP

Want to get cozy?

by pikupfulofsnow
Oct 2008 - 13.7K views

This year we had a party out at a little mini bc spot to say good bye to the season. There were five little features and a cabin. We were ready to have a party, but the rain/snow/clouds/wind came. Nine people showed up, two of which skied and snowboardered. Rain or shine, good times to be had.

Some street

by pikupfulofsnow
Aug 2014 - 3.8K views

I was cleaning out my desktop and found this rough edit. I was learning how to ramp at the time and was just putting clips together.


by pikupfulofsnow
Feb 2016 - 7.8K views

Mike Wilson on his second hit of the infamous Chad's Gap in Grizzly Gulch, Utah. Mike is one of the gnarliest, most talented people I have worked with. He grew up at the base of Squaw Valley and is known for doing some of the biggest airs there, and elsewhere for that matter. Mike wanted to make a video together, showcasing his talents, but we haven't, yet. Chad's gap was simply too small for Mike and how big he really wants to go. He could've slowed down, which he did on his third hit, but what you see here is more the size he truly wanted to go.

El Nino Is Rad

by pikupfulofsnow
Feb 2010 - 2.1K views

El Nino has delivered small, but consistent snowfall and then nice sunny skies follow. This has been the pattern for the majority of our season and I'm stoked.