
Roy Mitchell Shreddit 08-09

by Roy
Aug 2009 - 3.8K views

My spanser vid, unfortunatly i always have to stretch footy so I tossed some shots in there to make it last longer.


2 year project Trailer

by Roy
Mar 2017 - 1.1K views

This December 30th, I tore my Achilles tendon ending 27th consecutive months of skiing (which to accomplish, I did some skiing with a grade 2 MCL tear). Here is the trailer to a Go Pro edit (coming soon) from those 27 months. Looking forward to skiing again soon!

I'd like to give Rossignol a shout out for providing me with all the gear I beat on!

Song is: Pain for Pleasure - Sum 41

Insta: royski_29

September Pow

by Roy
Sep 2017 - 99 views

Airplanes are like time machines that cross into different dimensions. This was me 48 hours ago at La Parva Chile!

Insta: royski_29

Deep In BC

by Roy
Feb 2018 - 48 views

I was getting jealous of all the Japow shots in social media, so I thought I would return the favour after it snow all last week in BC!

Insta: royski_29

3-2-1 Droping

by Roy
Feb 2018 - 155 views

I was able to bag this line last weekend after me and the crew worked are way up testing smaller lines and doing our own avy control by dropping some cornices.

Insta: royski_29

2018 Year In Review (Action Figure Edition)

by Roy
Dec 2018 - 1.3K views

Here’s what my 2018 looked like! It was a super fun year. I was able to charge on the skis again (dealing with an injury most of ‘17), started speed flying, got back to jumping out of planes to finally finish my solo, and feeling confident I could take the hard bails, I jumped back on the downhill bike. I also got to spend some time in sick locations in Alberta, BC, California, Washington and Chile. Thanks to all the buds who helped make it an awesome year and to @rossignol for the support (which I’ve been getting in one form or another for 15 years 🤘).

Insta: royski_29

Starting to Shape Up

by Roy
Nov 2019 - 37 views

The snows starting to shape up at higher elevations. This should keep me tied over until our resorts get some features opened!

Insta: royski_29

2019 Edit: Mostly Killer Some Filler

by Roy
May 2020 - 955 views

The theme of 2019 was bad weather. There were lots of cloudy days, with sparse snow, and extremely cold temperatures in the winter. The summer was cold, it rained a lot and it seemed as if the wind would never let up. On top of that, I spent 5-6 weeks dealing with a knee injury after pressing the "send" button a little too hard while I was trying to get my park riding back (which I want to do so bad!). That said there were lots of moments to be stoked with friends, fun lines, cool new places explored and challenging conditions made it so good when the weather did cooperate.

I would like to thank my long time ski sponsor Rossignol for all the years of support!!!

Instagram: royski_29

Chile Turns - Raw clips

by Roy
Oct 2023 - 40 views

I managed to make out to Nevados De Chillan back in September to start my season with some pretty epic spring skiing! Watch with some music on my Instagram ( @royski_29 ).

Patiently waiting for more snow in Western Canada.