
HUGE BACKFLIP at Telluride

by cuseo
Jun 2007 - 8.8K views

Josh Daiek throws down a monster laid-out gainer in the 2nd annual Subaru Freeskiing Open at Telluride to win the North Face "Young Gun" award. This kid's got balls.

Rob Whiting 2006 PROMO

by cuseo
Jun 2007 - 7.3K views

Super-duper sickness on snow provided by Robert Whiting and his steeze. Brought to you by CuseoMovingMedia with music by the Theivery Corporation. (more)

Lunch Break At Snowmass

by cuseo
Mar 2014 - 701 views

SkiCo employee Greg Ross takes a lunch break in the Snowmass Terrain Park, joined by AVSC Freestyle coach Rob Whiting for a midday session. Shot with a GoPro and edited with FCP5 by Mike Cuseo, March 14, 2014.