
Drunk Weather

by 860media*
May 2017 - 6.7K views

Spring at Carinthia is always the best time. But, like last year the weather was a bit all over the place. The boys still made ends meet and had some fun. Check out the action and make sure to come out to Carinthia tomorrow for Peace Pipe Jam!!!!!

I've Ran Out of Money, It's Time to Go Home

by GilsonSkis
Oct 2021 - 6.2K views

Team rider Justin Ott and his best homie Henry jumped into this winter season filming in PA with really no plan or goals towards a big project. As the season went on thing kept progressing into something bigger than they anticipated. Living in Pennsylvania is by no means the best spot to be to express their passions towards skiing, so they mixed it up and "planned" a few trips to get out and enjoy what the bigger mountains had to offer. This is the product of them just hanging out, filming, and having a great time. This film isn't about the big tricks themselves but the experience of being involved in something so great as a whole. Hope you all enjoy!

Laps With Dad S2Ep3 // Living Full

by MikeUrich
Feb 2020 - 6.1K views

Hey everyone! Here is the third episode of season 2 of LWD. Witt takes his first lift ride and full runs with Dad and Dad puts down a little heat in the park. Thank you for watching!

Klint Skis
RMR Parks

Brian Gardiner - Step 1

by Upstate_Willis
Jan 2018 - 5.9K views

PASSWORD IS willis - vimeo is taking all my shit down this is my way of fighting it. Or just watch it on youtube

Brian Gardiner at Mount Snow and Whiteface. @bgfreeski @upstate_willis

blueyears eve

by north_coast
Jan 2023 - 4.6K views

only the finest #craftbeer for 2023


Maine Hype Season

by north_coast
Nov 2017 - 4.2K views

little bit of early season action from the most hype time of year. first week at the river and the loaf

skiers in order of appearance:
-Ben Amburgey
-Rowan Stamp
-David Baird
-Sam Scheff
-Isaac Wright
-Kyle Joseph (boardsliding clout god supreme)

Night Watch 2: Valley Warning

by sdrvper
Feb 2018 - 3.8K views

@guohski cruising laps at Hidden Valley
Feat: Ethan Murdy, Stephen Draper, Ethan Harrison, James Eydt, Nick Van G & Kyle Mattice

enjoy with headphones

Filmed by Mark Draper


by GarFrom09
Jul 2020 - 3.7K views

4 days of skiing in frigid Midwest temperatures in February. Skiing at: Spirit Mountain, Trollhaugen, Buena Vista. Skiing by: Garret Schwindt, Seth Pinkerton...

It's the Joint

by 860media*
Jul 2019 - 3.6K views

With the little to no gnats, and the snow melting fast the crew was fired up. We knew it would be our last time touching snow for a few months so we took advantage of it. Shoutout to Carinthia Parks and the crew for making the best parks in the East.

Created by:
Chris DeJohn
Bryan Jones

Garret Colby
Eliot Deleo
Mike DeJohn
Jack Heath
Jake Duncan
Rob Newton
Ian Ackerman
Chris DeJohn

It's The Joint - Funky 4+1

Broken Bus: Calvin Lyons 2017

by lyonslayer
Aug 2017 - 3.4K views

Thank you Carinthia Parks, Grass Sticks, Spy, and Colorado Ski shop. The 2016-17 season went by in the blink of an eye, but Devin Bernard was there with his cameras and put this together for me.


by _jam0__
May 2022 - 2.8K views

had a time at loon this year with my friends. Special thanks to Dyl for filming this whole year with a torn ACL. Love you.

Dougie T's ReBorN (HIT IT UP)

by DjDougieT
May 2020 - 2.7K views

I put this "edit" together after being in a treatment center for 12+ months getting myself together. It took some real struggle to feel accepted by myself and at times by others. I would dig some feedback from all of you homies. Just trynna see what I got in this world. Sponsors or Partnerships ahhaha lol??

Instagram: @dougie.tulman

Song: Trust Nobody - Hippie Sabotage

Spectral 12 - Boston Blizzard

by SkiTheEast...
Nov 2016 - 2.5K views

Ski The East and Level 1 Productions teamed up during the gigantic winter of 2015 to get down and dirty in the streets of Boston. Tons of snow covered the city all season long and allowed the crew to build many unique features.

Spectral: the 13th production from Ski The East and Meathead Films is a web series featuring everything from earn-your-turns backcountry to make-your-own urban. This is the full spectrum of skiing in the Northeast.

Subaru of New England presents: Spectral
A Meathead Films Web Series

Khai Krepela | Mitchell Brower | Sandy Boville | Shay Lee

Boston, MA

Level 1 and Johnny Durst

Joey Szela
Johnny Durst

Cam Willis

Gramatik - The Unfallen Kingdom
Gramatik - lonely & Cold


2019* 2020 durham jones

by Durrrham
Mar 2020 - 2.2K views

A great season cut short right before spring laps fully begun :(
Durham Jones 14 y/o.
Filming: Jesse Mallis, Pdogonthecut, Keith Shipman, and all the homies.
Thank u to everyone for a fun szn! Shout out covid-19

ECHO trailer - Alex Bellemare film

by Mayrandpodcast
Oct 2021 - 2.2K views

Coming off a decade traveling the world competing in events like Dew tour, X Games and the Olympics, Québec's own Alex Bellemare spends a season focused on his first love, filming. Echo, is a visual tale following Alex Bellemare's 2021 season revisiting his home province of Québec.

STP 1.2

by north_coast
Jan 2019 - 1.9K views

Was sitting on some older and out of focus footage and decided to make a little cut of Sugarloaf's new park Dropline, which is being rebuilt right now!

Follow us on insta @sugarloafparks
-Rowan Stamp
-Ben Amburgey
-Kyle Joseph
-Kagan Pilsbury
-Snowboard homie
-Will hall
-Snowboard homie 2
-Reid Chapman
-Sam Scheff
-Sydney Smith

Most of a Season - Alex Nolan

by nolaan
Nov 2016 - 1.9K views

Check the season recap from most of last year! I received a pretty serious concussion at USCSA Nationals at Whiteface in early March, so this is everything before that! Oh and then some summer shenanigans are included because why not.

Shouts out to Christy Sports, The Karma Tree Movement, Frosty Headwear
and the boys and girls on the CU Freestyle Ski Team!

Also thanks to those that filmed: Tim Nolan, Stew Wells, Jason Castle and Cody Potter

Vimeo link if you're into that:

Big Mess of Homies FULL MOVIE

by north_coast
Nov 2021 - 1.6K views


The Maine ski scene is pretty isolated from the rest of the east coast, so a bunch of us combined our footage together to make this street vid for ya

-Kyle Bell @kjbell13
-Ryan Brueninghaus @ryan.brueninghaus
-Sam Scheff
-Rowan Stamp @rowan138
-Sean Brueninghaus @seanbrueninghaus
-Carson Theriault @shovel.plug
-Ben Amburgey @a__burger
-Tommy Cogswell @tcogs_bahamas
-Zeke Tocci @not.zeketocci
-Eli Levesque
-Max Labonte @maxlabonte01
-Justin Ellis @onoffsnow
-Kyle Joseph @kyle___joseph
-Travis Boyington @boyington_t
-Zeke Wilson @zekew24

Primary Filming:
-Ben Amburgey
-Ian Bohrmann

-Ben Amburgey
-Ian Bohrmann (kj's opener)

Additional Filming:
-Hayden Breault
-Eli Levesque
-Estelle Ballard
-Edward Babbitt
-Max Lee

Big thanks anyone who helped out, hope to see you this time next year with another one :)


by Pdogonthacut
Jan 2020 - 1.3K views

fun freeski edit filmed on location @carinthia parks in SO VT. some clips of the last week or so on a track of some friends including - young, goobo, aaron, jai, charkie, maxhasaj , ian-w, dave, sam , tai, buster , and downey.. ---- hope u like it !!!

THATS! - Trailer

by Upstate_Willis
Sep 2020 - 1.2K views

A short film following Emile Bergeron and Jacob Belanger as they work together to get Emile on the podium for Real Ski 2020.

Release: Late October

Directed by: Cam Willis

Principle Cinematography by: Paul Bergeron and Cam Willis

Additional Footage By: Antoine Caron and Brady Perron

Special Thanks to Flagship Independent

Editing: Cam Willis

Beats: Crusty Cuts - Commodities

Graphics: Jack Byers

Goofin In The Rain

by Condorobrien
Jan 2018 - 817 views

spent 2 hours with the mountain to ourselves during a 50 degree rain storm at butternut ski resort and had a blast. through this together from the little gopro footage we took.