

by TAS
Mar 2023 - 2.2K views

Lapping with the homies at Sugarbush and Killington
Skiers: Eli Mitchell
Jesse Paroline
Robby Wright
Kevin Fenn
Chris Boyer
Thomas Shepard
Cut:Thomas Shepard

Man Down a Plymouth Freeski Film

by Plymouthfreeskii
May 2022 - 1.9K views

Big ups Loon park crew for maintaining such a sick park. Thanks to everyone who who kept the stoke high and threw down to make this all possible. Hope you enjoy, appreciate all of you! Also if you feel like it check out PlymouthFreeski on instagram and facebook.

Skiing - Griffin Beaten (Gou), Ryan Goodrich, Jackson Espe, Jamison Coty, Nate Wilkins, Ben Sebrang, Cole McShane, Dylan Daume, Bryson Vanasse, Ruby Dicastro, Ryan Hauser, Cam Dunbar, Keegan Harris, Jake Dalbon, Aiden Gifford, Zach Spaulding, Paris Dibrandi, and more probably.
Filming- Dylan Daume, Cole McShane, Ben Sebring,
Chopping - Dylan Daume

Move on Up

by 860media*
Jun 2018 - 1.4K views

Fresh off our trip from Mount Hood, the boiz headed back to home turf for Carinthia's annual Peace Pipe jam. With more than average snowfall this season they had a ton of snow leftover and plenty of rails to jump around on. Check out the action and keep those eyes peeled for more content coming your way!

fresh loaf

by north_coast
Dec 2017 - 3.4K views

guaranteed mold free
skiers/riders in order of appearence (starting at 0:10):
-Isaac Wright
-Rowan Stamp
-Sam Scheff
-Casey Taylor
-Ben Amburgey
-Kyle Joseph
-Taylor Davis
-Ben Nelson

Promised Land 2.2: Big Boulder Sunrise

by SkiTheEast...
Nov 2018 - 399 views

The team woke up early for a sunrise session at Big Boulder, Pennsylvania and the weather and wind were perfect. Later, the resort's park crew setup some unique rail combos for the team to slay as well.


Subaru of New England presents Promised Land: Season 2, the 15th annual production by Ski The East. Featuring the Ski The East team traveling from Pennsylvania to Quebec in search of glory.

A Ski The East Web Series
Proudly Supported by:
Subaru of New England
K2 Skis

Bobby Sullivan | Justin D.L. | Zach Masi | Jacob Belanger | Calvin Lyons | Emile Bergeron

Big Boulder, PA

Pat Morgan & all the park crew at Big Boulder for tons of help with this badass shoot.
Pocono Raceway staff.

Cam Willis, Geoff McDonald & Chris James

Cam Willis

Benjamin Collins

Cam Willis | Chris Dejohn | Antoine Caron

Joc Cadieux

Roger Molls - "Ghost Town"

Chris Starr 17-18

by azapchris
Oct 2018 - 2.5K views

Filmed by Henry Garaffa @falconlordhank
Suppported by Facet Ski Co. @facetskis
Skier @azapchris
Music "Sin" by Young Thug Ft. Jaden Smith


by gGrove
Jan 2021 - 305 views

took some park laps at Butternut, the hometown mtn in Great Barrington, Ma

big thanks to the park crew over there for keepings things fun n different


by north_coast
Dec 2020 - 2.2K views

keep it clean @sugarloafparks

-Ryan Brueninghaus @minnesnowtain
-Sam Scheff
-Ben Amburgey @a__burger
-Rowan Stamp @rowan138
-Teddy Michaud @t3ddy.m
-Reid Chapman @reid.chapman
-Freddie Mccarthy @freddyprince.jr
-Keegan Kilbride @keegankilbride
-James Holohan @james.holahan2
-Josh Lawless @josh_lawless_

Shot: the homies
Cut: Ben

fly away

by ianoSKI
May 2019 - 4.6K views

Collection of my favorite shots from this winter in the terrain parks. Thanks to Flatbush Zombies and anyone who filmed. Open your mind.

MT ➡️ VT Preseason

by dwt802
Jan 2021 - 302 views

Enjoy this little cut I made of myself starting with the first snow in Montana to holiday break back home at ktown. Shoutout to all who filmed and skied with me so far this year! @thetribe802

Ontario Opener | Spring Vibez

by sdrvper
Dec 2017 - 2K views

Headphones Recommended, Watch in HD
Thanks MSLM for an awesome opening week setup!

- Feat. Nick Vangelder, Stephen Draper, Carson Sharp & Kurtis McFadden
- Follow us @guohski

Song: People Say - Wu Tang Clan