
Frontier FWQ 4* New Zealand - 1st place POV

by ibex
Sep 2016 - 6.4K views

This is my winning run from The North Face Frontier FWQ 4* freeride comp in New Zealand in August 2016. This year was the first time the comp has run as a four star rated event, so people were throwing down some pretty cool stuff!
I actually changed my plan half way through the run as the cliff I was planning to hit scared the shit out of me as I got closer to it, so I went to plan B for the bottom section.
It was a great day and I am stoked to see such a highly rated event run in NZ!


by Dissidents
Sep 2016 - 818 views

Spent 90% of my season on a tube, whoops.


Thanks to all the PHAAAT homies for helping me have the most fun season of my life.

Big shoutout to @Eazymacofficial for being a local rapper that is about to blow up.

1: Music for the visually impaired - Eazy Mac
2: Gold House - Reese

Subtropic Trailer // Ankilla Productions

by Ankilla
Sep 2016 - 2.8K views

This is the trailer for Ankilla Productions' new ski movie Subtropic premiering this fall. Tickets will be sold pre order and at the door.

Premiere: Will be held at Springdale Cinemas on October 27th at 7:30pm. Before the event will be the Vertical Drop Rail Jam. There will be give aways at the premier from Perfect North Slopes, Vertical Drop, Midwest Shades, and Wake Nation Cincinnati.

Featuring: Kamran Kopp, Freddy Mazza, Chris Neltner, Jason Loxterkamp, Andy Hall, Guenther Oka, Brandon Storey, Aaron Tufts, Logan Whitehead, Kyle Taylor, Jake Smith, Johnnie Paul, Elliot Reinshagen, Kyle Sharpshair, David Whelen, Adam Bandenburg, Spencer Gordon, Nick Vogt
Song: Violent Shiver- Benjamin Booker


by E__
Sep 2016 - 9.3K views

Couldn't find housing in Whistler so I bought a trailer and Zac and I lived out of it for 6 months. We filmed some of the fun. Dedicated to Pili for always being there.


by louis.charnaud
Oct 2016 - 3.4K views

highlights from the 2016 season in NZ. Enjoy! This has easily been the best season I have had yet in NZ and have met some pretty awesome folks!


Louis charnaud
Sam Allen
Konsti Ottner
Hank Bilous
Charles Murray
Xavi Thiebaud

Tristan "Teton" Brown Season Edit 2k16

by tetonbrown
Oct 2016 - 8.2K views

My highlights from the '15/'16 ski season. Had tons of fun getting all these shots, basically just sending with the boys, skiing pow, dropping cliffs, and getting upside down. Looking forward to doing it BIG this season!

Blizzard Skis
Tecnica Boots
Zeal Optics
Play Hard Give Back
SubQ Designs

High Five Bound - Jeremy Pancras

by panpan
Oct 2016 - 6.8K views

Getting to ride in my hometown was a dream that I never thought could come true. Thanks to the High Five Festival we got to share our passion with the locals and it was incredible !

Here are a few laps put together to give you a glimpse of the feeling you get while riding the Sosh Big Air in Annecy, thanks everyone for making it such a great memory :)

Thanks to these guys for making eveything possible : Volkl, Dakine, Oakley, GoPro and Feiyu Tech.

iF3 - Stockholm 2016

by iF3
Oct 2016 - 84 views

International Freeski FIlm Festival visited Sweden for the first time on October 20th with a sold-out event in Stockholm.

Freeride World Tour riders Sam Smoothy and Felix Weimers were there to present their movies along with Par Peyben Hagglund and Lucas Stal Madison and among the guests you had a chance to meet celebrities like Emma Dahlstrom and Jesper Tjader.

Sage Frontella Season Edit 15/16

by Sage_F
Oct 2016 - 3.2K views

This is my season edit for the 15/16 season. I am really stoked with how it turned out! Thanks to my sponsors for supporting me this season. Also thanks to my friends…

Summer Rail Edit

by Sage_F
Oct 2016 - 4.4K views

A short edit that I made for the Kevin Salonius Summer Rail Challenge. Filming this was extremely fun yet challenging because of several setbacks including breaking the tail of one of my skis at the beginning of the summer! Enjoy......

Shred Fest Missoula

by bumcrew
Nov 2016 - 3.4K views

Pre-season ski action in Missoula

Quinn Wolferman, Ian Hamilton, Jack Harris, Kory Kirby, Cole Histon, Kaare Tollefson and more...

Shout out to Lost Trail Park Crew for the legit setup.

J skis: The Whipit

by J_skis
Nov 2016 - 3.5K views

See the whipit >>
The Whipit ski will literally read your mind taking your skiing further faster, with less effort than ever before. You'll be laying down effortless carves forwards or backwards with ease, feeling like there's nothing on your feet. Yup! this is the funnest, lightest, quickest, easiest, butteryest, most durable all-terrain freestyle of all time! #JWhipitSki