
Parental Advisory Vol. 1 (2000)

by Tremblantskier
Sep 2009 - 7.6K views

I bought this film on vhs in whistler in 2000. If there is such thing as a "cult' ski film, this would be it. I randomly found it on google and i thought i'd post it up. Im sure the dope smoking grim reaper as well anthony boronowski's urban will amuse you. enjoy!


by Tremblantskier
Aug 2010 - 7.4K views

Last February to prove certain parties wrong I dug an 8 foot high quarter in my cousins back yard by hand. The resulting thaw in April led us to hold a weekend session which turned into a beer, bbq and sausage feast. This is quarter pipe life.

Evan Raps - The Game (2000)

by Tremblantskier
Mar 2011 - 4.8K views

Evan Raps was the first to bring "gangsta" style to skiing. He prioritized style and his D Spin brought him competition success. His career came to an unfortunate end after ruining his knee at X Games. Enjoy.