Skied a couple times this year and found my way to a park and it seemed like I didnt loose that much over the years
We had one day left before the resort closed due to covid-19... thanks to Alex Bellemare for ahowig up and Mic for filming.
yea I know it's shaky... but hey, not my problem :)
I edited some stuff provided by rage, dos and nsf.
Check out Why Not and Overlooked for more stunts and rick rolling action.
aditionnal footage provided by Mic le chef Turcotte and Junigga
Jibbing the mini park we had most of last season.
While the forums are down you might be interested in seeing a shot form On'S'touche credits.
notice rexy's sexy voice
Tittle sums it all,I forgtot to put music before uploading it , sorry
8 different pretzels variation spinnign one way and then the other
Second fakie 10 in 2 years.
I was pretty sure I already won the comp with a smoother and better grabbed 720 so I did a 10 to get the crowd go wild.
Some footage from the d-jam 2006 that didntmake it to mlp 2005-2006 movie : OnS'touche
See why Charley and Stack are skiers, not filmers.
Little edit from a couple early morning runs in vallée du parc
As seen in jibij team update :
No Description
my mom and sis took car of my son so I could sneak in a few laps before getting back to getting the next gen to do his first turns
Just kidding this is an edit made for fun to test my new cam, I later figured out that i didnt use the HD feature... waht a sissy...
my mom and sister took car of my son so I could join them after the upper park
fottage that didnt made the cut for playback or dirty money for various reason, some might be in the bonus but i dont remember
money booter = last jump of the slopestyle run right ?
huges 5 are so hot right now ( that's all we had at my home resort)