Burton Challenge
Can Nick Lyons outski you in Burtons?
In a game of SLVSH, its a controlled nosepress past the binding.
Let me know when im up again...
Can Nick Lyons outski you in Burtons?
In a game of SLVSH, its a controlled nosepress past the binding.
Let me know when im up again...
You only get one chance, to become an Albatross.Disclaimer: Do not attempt at home, this stunt was performed by the best skier in the world, on the First and...
@SLVSH nose butter pretz the quad kink,
ill shut up!
join the fight! HELP @fghtoffyrdmns with his mental illnesses.
@Jems watch this, it cant hurt your ballerina style!
I hit up Knife Show with some footy I couldnt edit, he sent me this...
(parental advisory)
@SLVSH Cant Touch This.
@SteezyYeeter , great to have your core karma back!
@STEEZUS_CHRI5T it was worth it...
the original comments of this 12 year old video are of @Mike-O and @.Tom. going completely schizo on @N.L.
glad to know ive been killing it that hard...
where are all the film companies with their better skiers and cameras???!!!
Conman versus N.L.
Keep It Freestyle.
Why is there a NS logo on the bottom right corner of my video? by uploading it for free they have rights to it? wait they own it, and wont give it back?