Its a great helmet, probably the safest ive ever owned. It is very pricy though
even with the visor flipped up you can not really put your gogs on top of your helmet. Othere than that it has a really good venting system and you can hear in it really easily.
its nice, you can not see the visor at all while wearing it and it is really easy to remove. I found some plugs so i can transform my helmet to a non visor hlemet and you can berley see the holes.
.180 bucks is alot of money for a helmet that probably wont last you very long (all helmets break, they're built to) . I dont think i would have paid full price for this.
It fits perfect, like a helmet should. The best thing is it has a ratchting strap that basicaly makes the helmet completly snug all the way around, and you can loosen it off if you want a thin touque under it.
The Rubber on the vent switch has already broken, so its alot harder to open and close the vents because there is no longer any grip.