I love how this helmet feels and how comfy it is. The visor style is sweet in my opinion. Great helmet and great protection!
Works great. Warm enough that you do not need to put a hat underneath but still is very breathable with vents that can open. I have had no major bumps to tell you how safe it is but it has saved me from some small ones a few times and does not hurt while wearing this helmet.
Great design. Chin gaurd kinda usless and not needed for most skiing. Mine was never on the helmet. Visor looks great and adds a lot of style to the helmet. Some of the patterns are questioanble but mine is painted flat black.
Pricy just like lots of Giro stuff. But almost worth it for the safty and style this helmet has. Still not good value for a helmet. 160 is to much
Perfect. Size medium fit me just like a good helmet should and im a regular sized guy. It wa the perfect amount of snugness. It was not o tight and restricting but it didnt flop around. This nice fit makes the helmet was safer and no hassle to wear.
Great. 3 years on mine and no problems at all. Some new paint last year and mine looks good as the day I bought it.