Great helmet. Nothing to really complain about. A decent helmet for whatever you're doing on the hill and looks alright.
Very decent helmet, haven't had any problems with it, the audio, ventilation is great.
Couldnt be much happier with the design. Plenty of ventilation with removable covers to block them. Built in speakers are just a hell of a lot better than headphones.
Great buy for what you get.
Helmet fits head very well and is a very comfortable fit.
So far so good, nothing has gone wrong and it's been banged up quite a bit. Audio system still works perfectly etc.
I love it. Much better them my old helmet(burton skycap). Love the audio feature, wont ride with anything else now. No reason to ever use earbuds or earphones when riding.
Great preformance. I have using earbuds when riding and can protect my head at the same time.
Love the look, plain and simple. Nothing flashy here, does the job. Plain blace, only way to go in helmet color for me. feels good, has extra pads that can be added and removed. Also has vent hole covers that are removable for when its hot. and put the covers in when its snowing. The audio plug plugs into you MP3 player and phone at the same time, so you can yous both with out unpluging. Has plugs for may types of phones.
Has volume adjustment on the cord half way to the helmet, this is good and bad. Good because you can turn up of down the sound easyily, so you can talk on the life, and jam on your run. But bad becasue the wheel seems to turn easily and can be turned way up very easily when riding if you bump it, easy way to go deaf.
Good value at $100. About average to the low side of helmets with audio
Fits me great, but as in choosing any helmet, try it on yourself.
Great durability, taken a few head shots, and it shows no damage.