Good helmet
This helmet was very good. I smacked my head hard a few times and only sum diziness no concussions.
I got the orange one and i think it looks sick and i also like the fit with googles no gap.
This helmet is no more expensive then any other helmet out there.
THe fit was good but the size i got couldnt fit a beanie under it which was bad because the ear flaps dont stay against your ears.
This helmet didnt crack or chip though it did fade to a yellowish orange which i am angry about.
A great helmet for anyone. Super light. Dope designs and you can get speakers in your earpieces for 50$.
It is the lighesthelmet on the market right now. I used to rock an old giro helmet and the difference is awesome. Sometimes I forget it's even on my head. This is a sick helmet if you hate wearing helmets. You'll forget it's even there! What could be better?! Oh and the strap is like a snowboard strap so no more messing around with the clips or 5 minutes because they're frozen. I can easiy take the strap of with my gloves on.
R.E.D. has really steped it up with the designs. The design ranges from leather, flashed out orange, pinstiped to plain coulours. I chose white because it goes with just about everything, incase i get a new jacket.
For the lightest helmet on the market the price is right. I got mine for 110$ canadian. And the speaker upgrade is like 50-60$ which is dirt cheap compared to giro.
To be honest I have a huge head. And so it was great to know that R.E.D. have a wide size range. I fit perfectly into a large. The padding is rediculously comfortable. Of course it's so light that I have trouble realizing it's even o my head sometimes. The only problem is that the earpieces are too loose and not thick enough. So you're ears get really cold on the -40 celcius days. Of course that's nothing that a beany can't fix.
I've had mine for one season now and its done fine. The only problem is that the strap get a little furry which is annoying.