good looks, not the best performance. if your looking for a stylish helmet this is a good bet.
well no vents means it gets really hot under there, which in turn causes your goggles to fog up wich gets really anoying. other than that it was pretty good. goggles fit really wierd over it. if using this helmet i would consider wearing your goggles under your helmet.
sick design. looks pretty dope and is really easy to put stickers on.
if you could find it for a deal then it would be worth it. i dont think it was worth the money because it didnt really perform as well as i hoped.
wierd fit. its kind of like wearing a salad bowl on your head. i only wore it with a beanie under it cause the padding was awkward.
scratched easily and the padding sometimes came loose. not the greates durability.
The search for a helmet that doesn't make your head look goofy is a long one. The bad lieutenant did a pretty good job of combating that. When you're wearing this thing you feel like a German soldier ready for battle, and you look the part too. The audio hop-up kits are wicked as well, I was able to listen to music and talk on my cellphone while sliding rails. I think I landed a business deal once while doing a 270 out.
My only complaint is that the speakers in the helmet are pretty quiet. I like my music blocking out all other sounds, and I am sometimes barely able to hear the tunes when I'm riding.
It fits great, doesn't wiggle aroundj, keeps you warm and when you smash your skull off a rail, it keeps you concious.
The audio kit worked well, but the speakers were a little quiet for my liking.
The looks are great. One of the better looking helmets out there, and all the different colours it comes in are fun to choose from. The helmet is comfortable, nothing poking in your head or anything like that.
Pretty reasonably priced. Its a midrange price helmet. In terms of audio, I would rather spend more money and get something that could make the tunes bumpin'.
The helmet fits great. I take out all the padding and wear a hat underneath, and it works perfectly.
One important thing about this helmet: NEVER wear your goggle strap over the helmet. It looks stupid and doesn't fit right. Best idea is to take your normal hat/goggle combo and just slam the bucket over top of it.
Held up great. I didn't have any problems with any part of the helmet falling apart or even getting too messed up. Now granted - I don't wear helmets that much, and I hit my head even less. (knock on wood)