This is my first helmet I've had. I was very skeptical about buying a helmet at first because of fitting problems and bulkyness, but this helmet has quelled any doubts I ever had for wearing helmets. This helmet is light fits and feels great, and the audio system, for the most part, is pretty tits.
For what its made for this helmet is one of the best. Stays very warm when you want it to and can cool you off also, to a certain degree. Vents easy to adjust while on the mountain and my electric goggles fit great with no complaints. The audio system sounds great, I was very surprised at the sound quality and ease of attackment. the audio earpads feel and fit the same as the stock earpads.
Negatives to the helmet are its fixed chinstrap pad, which kind of sits to the side of my face now, not a big deal but something I noticed. Also with the audio system, I think it needs a fat finger volume control or a mute/volume button that is a little more easily accessable. I found myself adjusting the volume alot while on chairs and then again once going down the mountain or trying to talk to someone. I got really tired of trying to find that little volume/cell phone control to make adjustments. RED helmets have a money system for this with the big mute/volume button on the outside of the earpeice. Also this is not something you want to be wearing while hiking, obviously, or during warm spring days. The warming effects work a little too well for me in these conditions and the vents didnt help.
Rock-n-roll design, I like the matte black finish much better (I'm not a glossy guy). I just have the G10 and now think I should have gone with the MX, if not just for the option of the visor.
This helmet is a little pricey, I would wait till its on sale, or wait for a deal. I would not have bought this for retail price, not that its not a super product its just expensive. I got mine for just under $100 new through work.
For myself this helmet fit great. It is very light and comfortable, no sqeezing or loose shaking around. overall I was stoked at how snug it fit.
The helmet itself seems very durable, however the suface scratches very easily and I feel like I have to be very careful with it once I take it off. I'm a ski instructor and have sratched it up pretty good from storing the helmet in my locker.
The earpad attackments and straping are great. The earpads are easy to switch out and very sturdy.
Overall the durability is great besides the scratching