I love it!
This helmet is amazing ive taken a couple of falls with it it dosen't stratch but if you get the G-10 with the visor don't do a face plant because it will break off.
Its a pretty sweet disign you can open and close the ventholes in the helmet. comes in some sweet colors i cant complain. I like the shape of the helment it looks pretty cool. its not just one of those brain buckets you get at like walmart. Also has this sweet liner you can wash so your helmet dosent smell like you do
Definatly worth it. for a jobless ski bum like me wait for sales. but if you got the cash i wouldnt think twice
I like the fit a whole bunch but for those who have really fat heads the I woudld not reccomend it.
My helment is always at the bottom of the ski pile in the car it keep its shape